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definition of money


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Money is something everyone has heard of and wants. It is the life blood that drives an economy. Money is used in everyday living to buy products, pay bills and so on and everyone tries to obtain more of it. It is used to buy our wants and needs and has come in many forms throughout history such as coins, notes and strange objects. But, what is money? Money has many different names such as cash, bucks, dough and currency. Money is also often said to corrupt, but it is needed for an economy to prosper.

The Hidden Secrets of Money

There are many secrets about our current monetary system that are keep secret. Mike Maloney is an economist that calls these secrets the “Hidden Secrets of Money”. “The hidden secrets of money, some of them are hidden in plane sight. They are like right in front of you. The way our monetary system works is actually something that isn't hidden away from all of us. It's out in the open, but it's complex and just don't, they can't see how it works. It's hard for them to imagine that we're living in such a hoax. Others are meant to be secret, but the truth is slowly coming out.”1 Maloney discusses here how the secrets are kept secret either by keeping them hidden or by making economics seem complex, but if you break economics down and make it simple then it's easier to understand then you can imagine.

Revealing the Secrets

As these secrets get revealed throughout this book, you will get to better understand how our current monetary system works. Knowing this stuff can really benefit your financial position as you can make better financial decisions. People can earn money in booms and recessions. Mike Maloney does a very good job at explaining these secrets in his Hidden Secrets of Money Series and it is also advised that you should watch the videos from this series.

Defining Economics

Investopedia defines economics as “A social science that studies how individuals, governments, firms and nations make choices on allocating scarce resources to satisfy their unlimited wants. Economics can generally be broken down into: macroeconomics, which concentrates on the behavior of the aggregate economy; and microeconomics, which focuses on individual consumers. Complex right?

The following bullet points are a way to simplify the definition of “economics”:

• Economics deals with the distribution of limited resources to satisfy the unlimited needs and wants of consumers.

• Economics centres around the concept of demand and supply.

• Macroeconomics is the economy as a whole and microeconomics is looking at the individual transactions with the economy.

• Money is the life blood of the economy and flows between different sectors of the economy.

• The Monetary system deals with how money is provided, the management of money and what form of money is used such as a fiat currency monetary system uses money backed by confidence.

• Money and other assets rise and decline in value.

• The issuers of money use their power to benefit themselves at the expense of others.

• Governments today can create money from nothing.

What is Money?

The Collins dictionary defines money as the following: “Money is the coins or banknotes that you use to buy something”, but this definition isn't very accurate. The true definition of money is much more then just banknotes and coins. Money has come in many different forms throughout history. Money first came in forms such as stone money or objects, then as random sizes of gold, silver and copper and then gold and silver coins. After coins, money turned into paper notes and now it's digital. The diagram below shows the transformation of money.

However, each of these representations of money have different qualities and the problem is that not all of these qualify as money. The gold and silver coins are money, while the rest aren't and they are instead called currency. Money is used to store economic energy. The economic energy is the time and freedom one has. In the next few sections of this chapter, we will first look at the difference between money and currency and then the development of money from bartering.

Economic Energy

Economic energy is the time and freedom a person has. A person's economic energy can be seen as the work you can do within an amount of time and you are given money to store that value. The money is used to store the economic energy to be able to use it in the future. However, currency loses the amount of economic energy it has and allows the issuers of currency to take away your economic energy.

Money vs Currency

The difference between money and currency is explained in Mike Maloney's Money vs Currency episode in his Hidden Secrets of Money series. The characteristics of money are as follows:

A medium of exchange: This is something that can be used to buy goods and services.

A unit of account: A base value of each unit, such as an ounce of gold all around the world that has the same price.

Durable: The ability to last a long time period.

Portable: Able to be moved around easily.

Fungible: Each unit of an item is the same as the next, which means they are interchangeable.

Mike Maloney explains fungible by saying, “A Dollar in your pocket buys the same amount as a Dollar in my pocket.

Divisible: The ability to be divided.

Store of value: The ability to store value.

Money has all these characteristics, while currency has all of these characteristics, except that it isn't a

store of value. The reason why currency lacks this ability is explained below.

Money and Currency

Many people, even bankers, don't know the difference between money and currency and this lack of knowledge is one of the reasons why our economy is in a mess, because we use currency. If we used money then this wouldn't happen. Money and currency are a medium of exchange, unit of account, durable, divisible, portable and fungible, but only money is a store of value. A currency like the German Marks from the Weimar Republic is as useless as paper, while money like a gold coin from ancient Greece still has its original value or even more. Currency can't store value, money can and this is because money is backed by its intrinsic value.

Intrinsic Value

The intrinsic value of an item is its natural value, the value of the materials it's made from. Money is backed by this value and so is very stable. Currencies however are backed by trust, which is a fiat value that can easily vanish. The intrinsic value of today's currencies is next to nothing as they are made from materials like paper and nickel. Even worse a fiat currency on computers have absolutely no intrinsic value. Gold and silver coins can have a fiat value on it such as a perineum value, but when that fails, the

coin still has its intrinsic value to fall back on.

Purchasing Power

The purchasing power of money and currency is how much it can buy. For example, if an item cost $20 US Dollars and $35 Australian Dollars, the US Dollar then has more purchasing power as it can buy more then an Australian Dollar. Gold and silver are both suitable as legal tender as they don't lose their purchasing power due to inflation like paper notes and cheap metal coins do. Something retains its value by being scarce like gold, which is valuable because it's rare and that value would be lost if gold become more common. This is why money and currency lose their purchasing power when the amount of it increases. Gold and silver have to be mined out of the ground, while paper money can just be printed with any dominations of numbers on each note.

Why is this Important?

Our use of currency resulted in placing our economy into the current mess we observe and if we had used money instead, we wouldn't be in this mess. The expansion of the currency supply is stealing your purchasing power and giving it to the rich and so you need to get your wealth into real assets to protect yourself from this scam.

“In the absence of the gold standard, there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation. There is no safe store of value.”



المشاركات الشائعة من هذه المدونة

الفكر الاقتصادي في العصور الوسطى الأوروبية

العصور الوسطى الأوروبية: في القرون من التاسع حتى الخامس عشر الميلادية ساد في أوربا التكوين الاجتماعي الاقطاعي، وتتميز طريقة انتاجه التي بدأت في فرنسا ثم انتشرت في انجلترا وباقي مجتمعات أوروبا: ــ بأن العلاقات الاجتماعية للانتاج تدور أساسا حول الأرض التي تصبح البلورة المادية للملكية العقارية، اذ هي ترتكز على اقتصاد يغلب عليه الطابع الزراعي. ــ لمن يقومون بالعمل في الانمتاج الزراعي حق استعمال الأرض وشغلها. أما حق ملكيته فهو على درجات لهرم من السادة تحدده التقاليد والعادات. ــ هذا الأساس الاقتصادي يقابله شبكة من الروابط الشخصية، جزء من العاملين لا يتمتع بكامل حريته الشخصية حيث أنهم أقنان، أما السادة فيرتبط نظام ملكيتهم بنظام من الواجبات يتحمل بها كل منهم في مواجهة من هو أعلى منه. وتجد طريقة الانتاج هذه جذورها في المجتمع القديم حين بدأ كبار ملاك الأراضي يقاومون سلطة روما عن طريق الاقامة في ملكياتهم العقارية وتوسيع هذه الملكيات بالسيطرة على الملكيات الأصغر والمزارع المهجورة. في هذا النظام توجد جذور نظام الأقنان، غير أن هذا لا يعني أن القن وجد كنتيجة للتحرر الجزئي للعبد وانما ي

خصائص التخلف

خصائص التخلف تنقسم خصائص التخلف الى خصائص مادية أو اقتصادية وخصائص غير مادية أو تخلف البنيان الاجتماعي وسيتم تناولهم وفقا لما يلي:- أولا: الخصائص المادية للتخلف:- تتمثل الخصائص المادية للتخلف في اختلال العلاقة بين الموارد البشرية والمادية واختلال الهيكل الانتاجي والبطالة المقنعة واختلال هيكل الصادرات. 1- اختلال العلاقة بين الموارد البشرية والمادية:- هذه الخاصية ترجع الى عاملين أساسيين هما الانفجار السكاني وانخفاض مستوى التراكم الرأسمالي. ·         الانفجار السكاني:- تواجه الدول المتخلفة بلا استثاء انفجارا سكانيا وان اختلفت درجته وحدته , ويرجع ذلك الى العديد من العوامل منها تحسن وسائل وأساليب الصحة العامة مما يترتب عليه انخفاض شديد في الوفيات مع بقاء معدل المواليد عند مستوى مرتفع. تتميز الدول النامية بتركيب سكاني معين يمثل فيه صغار السن أهمية نسبية كبيرة حيث تزيد نسبة صغار السن في الدول النامية عن 40% بينما هي في الدول الأوروبية تتراوح بين 20-25% فقط وينتج عن ذلك انخفاض حجم القوة العاملة بالمقارنة بالبلدان المتقدمة. يؤدي الانفجار السكاني في الدول النامية الى أن ت

نظرية الانتاج

نظرية الانتاج ـ الانتاج يتمثل في الجهد الانساني الذي يبذل لجعل الموارد الاقتصادية صالحة لاشباع الحاجات الانسانية، وهو جهد يتضمن علاقة مزدوجة. علاقة بين الانسان والطبيعة، وعلاقة بين الانسان والانسان. ـ تتطلب عملية الانتاج توافر العناصر الآتية: القوة العاملة وأدوات العمل وموضوع العمل. ـ تضم نظرية الانتاج موضوعات عديدة أهمها: عناصر الانتاج وكيفية التأليف بين هذه العناصر وأشكال المشروعات القائمة الانتاج، واتجاهات هذه المشروعات. ـ عناصر الانتاج وتسمى أيضا عناصر المشروع هي الموارد التي يستخدمها المجتمع في انتاج ما يحتاجه من سلع وخدمات، عناصر الانتاج أربعة: الطبيعة والعمل ورأس المال والتنظيم. ـ الموارد الطبيعية كعنصر من عناصر الانتاج هي كافة هبات الطبيعة التي لم يوجدها عمل انساني سابق ولا حاضر والتي تمكن الانسان من انتاج السلع والخدمات التي يحتاجها لاشباع حاجاته. ـ الطبيعة عنصر سلبي في الانتاج. ـ هناك عدة عوامل اساسية تحكم مدى كفاية الموارد الطبيعية لحاجة الانسان اليها للقيام بنشاطه الانتاجي وهي على سبيل الحصر: 1-                     ثبات معالم الطبيعة الأساسية. 2-