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Oil Shale

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Oil Shale                                                          

Two German chemists, Franz Fischer and Hans Tropsch, developed early methods of extracting liquids from coal. The technology involves gasifying coal at high temperature and pressure, and applying catalysts, but there are various different procedures. The process was developed in Germany during the Second World War, and later used in South Africa, when it was subject to an oil embargo. It was sufficient to provide about 30% of that country’s needs.

The so-called Oil Shales are immature normal source rocks that have not been heated enough in Nature to give up their hydrocarbons. Strictly speaking they are not shales at all in a geological sense, their scientific name being kukersite. They were first exploited in Scotland around 1860, which led to one of the earliest refineries to extract lamp-oil. Another early development was in Estonia where they are still used as a fuel for power stations.

Interest in the development of Oil Shale grew rapidly in the aftermath of the Oil Shock of 1980, especially in the United States, which has large deposits in the Green River Basin of Colorado and neighboring States. The traditional method of extraction was simply to excavate the material, and then place it in retorts at 350–1,000 °C: the higher the temperature, the lighter the product. One drawback was the large amount of fi ne-grained toxic ash produced in the process, whose disposal posed environmental problems. Attempts have also been made at in situ retorting with the help of underground combustion, and the injection of hot natural gas. A recent project, developed by Shell in Colorado, involved inserting electric elements, using electricity from a dedicated coal- fi red power station, and cooking the deposit for several years, after which it is expected to deliver production to conventional wells. In addition, it has been necessary to surround the workings with a refrigerated underground ice-wall to prevent the escape of the liquids. It sounds as if it will be subject to an extremely low, if not negative, net energy yield.

There are many other large deposits around the world, especially in Russia, China, Australia, Morocco, Zaire, South Africa, Egypt, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay and Brazil. The resource is enormous, perhaps capable of providing as much as three trillion barrels of oil, but so far none has proved commercially viable, despite in some cases Government subsidy.

Of growing importance are the so-called tight reservoirs, known as Shale Oil and Shale Gas. In essence they consist of beds of sandstone, siltstone or dolomite with very low porosity and permeability lying within source-rock sequences, commonly at relatively shallow depth. Highly deviated boreholes are drilled into them to run parallel with the formation and thereby be in contact with more of the oil-bearing rock.

Liquids, charged with various chemicals, are then injected under high pressure to fracture the rock and cause artificial permeability, which allows the flow of oil and gas from the adjoining source-rocks. The wells are then placed on production and can produce pro fi table amounts of oil and gas in the current high price environment, although subject to relatively rapid depletion. There are some environmental hazards where the reservoirs are at shallow depth, as the liquids used in the fracturing process may poison the overlying aquifers or cause minor earth tremors. Interest in this new source of oil and gas has expanded rapidly in recent years, especially in the United States, where, the Barnet and Bakken Shales are of particular interest. The environmental hazards have raised objections to developments in several other countries. Obviously, there is a wide range of geological circumstances with the more favorable being exploited first.

 Oil can be produced from some organic-rich fine-grained rocks that are normally referred to as “shales” even if the host rock is not strictly a shale by a geologic definition. Production from such sources has a long history. Production of oil from shales for illumination preceded the discovery of conventional petroleum resources in the mid-nineteenth century but for most of the twentieth century production of such oil was a very minor component of global petroleum production. However, in the first decade of the twenty-first century there has been a resurgence of interest in these resources because of advances in technology and rising energy prices.

“Oil shales” are rocks that contain significant amounts of solid organic chemical compounds (kerogen) that have not been buried deeply enough to allow for oil maturation. Production is generally done by mining the rock and heating it in a retort in a processing plant close to the mine where the oil and associated gases can be captured. The oil may also be extracted using in situ methods which require heating the subsurface rock by injection of hot fluids, gases, or steam, or by the use of heating elements. As the oil is expelled from the kerogen it can then be induced to flow toward conventional oil wells for extraction.

The leading producer of oil shale in the world is Estonia, where 90% of the power is generated from that source. By far the largest accumulations of oil shale, however, are in the United States, particularly in the Green River Formation of Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming, that were deposited within ancient saline lake systems some 40–50 million years ago. There are also major accumulations in Devonian–Mississippian black shales in the eastern United States that were deposited in marine environments over 350 million years ago. With the high oil prices of the late 1970s a number of pilot projects produced oil from the Green River Formation in Colorado but plans for major commercial exploitation were abandoned when prices fell in the early 1980s. Interest in the potential for production has been rekindled with the high oil prices in recent years. Other countries with significant oil shale accumulations include Australia, Brazil, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Russia.

“Shale oil” is oil that is trapped within a fine-grained rock. Extraction of the oil does not require heating but the low permeability of the rocks requires that the rock be artificially fractured in situ to allow flow toward a well. Once regarded only of scientific interest, recent advances in hydraulic fracturing have made shale oil economically viable in some areas. The best-known shale oil accumulation is the Bakken Formation of the Williston Basin of Montana and North Dakota and adjoining parts of Canada. From a geologic perspective, the Bakken is a petroleum source rock that reached maturation but, unlike most mature source rocks, the oil was never expelled to migrate to conventional traps.



المشاركات الشائعة من هذه المدونة

الفكر الاقتصادي في العصور الوسطى الأوروبية

العصور الوسطى الأوروبية: في القرون من التاسع حتى الخامس عشر الميلادية ساد في أوربا التكوين الاجتماعي الاقطاعي، وتتميز طريقة انتاجه التي بدأت في فرنسا ثم انتشرت في انجلترا وباقي مجتمعات أوروبا: ــ بأن العلاقات الاجتماعية للانتاج تدور أساسا حول الأرض التي تصبح البلورة المادية للملكية العقارية، اذ هي ترتكز على اقتصاد يغلب عليه الطابع الزراعي. ــ لمن يقومون بالعمل في الانمتاج الزراعي حق استعمال الأرض وشغلها. أما حق ملكيته فهو على درجات لهرم من السادة تحدده التقاليد والعادات. ــ هذا الأساس الاقتصادي يقابله شبكة من الروابط الشخصية، جزء من العاملين لا يتمتع بكامل حريته الشخصية حيث أنهم أقنان، أما السادة فيرتبط نظام ملكيتهم بنظام من الواجبات يتحمل بها كل منهم في مواجهة من هو أعلى منه. وتجد طريقة الانتاج هذه جذورها في المجتمع القديم حين بدأ كبار ملاك الأراضي يقاومون سلطة روما عن طريق الاقامة في ملكياتهم العقارية وتوسيع هذه الملكيات بالسيطرة على الملكيات الأصغر والمزارع المهجورة. في هذا النظام توجد جذور نظام الأقنان، غير أن هذا لا يعني أن القن وجد كنتيجة للتحرر الجزئي للعبد وانما ي

خصائص التخلف

خصائص التخلف تنقسم خصائص التخلف الى خصائص مادية أو اقتصادية وخصائص غير مادية أو تخلف البنيان الاجتماعي وسيتم تناولهم وفقا لما يلي:- أولا: الخصائص المادية للتخلف:- تتمثل الخصائص المادية للتخلف في اختلال العلاقة بين الموارد البشرية والمادية واختلال الهيكل الانتاجي والبطالة المقنعة واختلال هيكل الصادرات. 1- اختلال العلاقة بين الموارد البشرية والمادية:- هذه الخاصية ترجع الى عاملين أساسيين هما الانفجار السكاني وانخفاض مستوى التراكم الرأسمالي. ·         الانفجار السكاني:- تواجه الدول المتخلفة بلا استثاء انفجارا سكانيا وان اختلفت درجته وحدته , ويرجع ذلك الى العديد من العوامل منها تحسن وسائل وأساليب الصحة العامة مما يترتب عليه انخفاض شديد في الوفيات مع بقاء معدل المواليد عند مستوى مرتفع. تتميز الدول النامية بتركيب سكاني معين يمثل فيه صغار السن أهمية نسبية كبيرة حيث تزيد نسبة صغار السن في الدول النامية عن 40% بينما هي في الدول الأوروبية تتراوح بين 20-25% فقط وينتج عن ذلك انخفاض حجم القوة العاملة بالمقارنة بالبلدان المتقدمة. يؤدي الانفجار السكاني في الدول النامية الى أن ت

نظرية الانتاج

نظرية الانتاج ـ الانتاج يتمثل في الجهد الانساني الذي يبذل لجعل الموارد الاقتصادية صالحة لاشباع الحاجات الانسانية، وهو جهد يتضمن علاقة مزدوجة. علاقة بين الانسان والطبيعة، وعلاقة بين الانسان والانسان. ـ تتطلب عملية الانتاج توافر العناصر الآتية: القوة العاملة وأدوات العمل وموضوع العمل. ـ تضم نظرية الانتاج موضوعات عديدة أهمها: عناصر الانتاج وكيفية التأليف بين هذه العناصر وأشكال المشروعات القائمة الانتاج، واتجاهات هذه المشروعات. ـ عناصر الانتاج وتسمى أيضا عناصر المشروع هي الموارد التي يستخدمها المجتمع في انتاج ما يحتاجه من سلع وخدمات، عناصر الانتاج أربعة: الطبيعة والعمل ورأس المال والتنظيم. ـ الموارد الطبيعية كعنصر من عناصر الانتاج هي كافة هبات الطبيعة التي لم يوجدها عمل انساني سابق ولا حاضر والتي تمكن الانسان من انتاج السلع والخدمات التي يحتاجها لاشباع حاجاته. ـ الطبيعة عنصر سلبي في الانتاج. ـ هناك عدة عوامل اساسية تحكم مدى كفاية الموارد الطبيعية لحاجة الانسان اليها للقيام بنشاطه الانتاجي وهي على سبيل الحصر: 1-                     ثبات معالم الطبيعة الأساسية. 2-